Make Your Voice Heard

We believe “it takes a group effort to have a voice loud enough to make a difference.”

Learning Disability Resources

These resources may be helpful in navigating lifelong learning disabilities. Sharing these resources does not constitute endorsement. If there are other resources you would like to recommend let us know.

Children and Parents


Older Youth and Adults

Parents & Professionals

  • Attitude Inside the ADHD Mind is a free newsletter providing resources and support for ADHD and LD.
  • ADDitude webinars provides expert webinars featuring up-to-date information and answers about ADHD and related conditions.
  • Council for Exceptional Children click Explore on this website and find Learning Disabilities for webinars and other resources.
  • LD OnLine provides information on learning disabilities and a variety of associated topics.
  • Teaching LD provides information and resources for teaching students with learning disabilities.
  • Understood is a non-profit helping all ages who learn and think differently. LDA of America is a founding member of Understood.
  • Webinars by Don Johnston includes a variety of free webinars on a number of topics of interest.

Wisconsin Parent Resources

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction-Specific Learning Disabilities 

Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs)
Alianza Latina Aplicando Soluciones (A.L.A.S) – CPRD
Mailing Address:
1615 2. 22nd St., Ste. 310, Milwaukee, WI 53204


Toll-Free: 866-249-5055
Phone: 414-643-0022

Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support, Inc (FACETS) – PTI
Mailing Address:
600 W. Virginia Street, Suite 501, Milwaukee, WI 53204


Toll-Free: 877-374-4677 (Statewide) 
Toll-Free: 877-374-0511 (Milwaukee)
Phone: 414-374-4645

Other Resources

See Learning Disabilities of America for more information on the following topics (Click Resources on the top menu):

  • Disability Rights & Advocacy
  • Government Agencies and Resource Centers
  • Guides and Booklets
  • LD Journal
  • Professional Organizations
  • Resources on Teaching and Learning
  • Research

Related Resources

Cerebral Palsy Guide is a national support organization dedicated to educating individuals and families about cerebral palsy.